Values in public service media recommenders
M. Harbers; L.M. Willemsen; P.W.M. Rutten
Testing the associative connection between hip-hop music and luxury fashion brands
Hirsch, Livia (Student); Mossinkoff, Marco; Maltzahn, Constantin von
Motivational Intervention through Literature Activities (MILA): an intervention to measure motivation in secondary school students based on the Motivational Self System
Jessica van Bragt (Student); Kristina Goodnight (Begeleider)
Intenship Report IBMS
André Erdmann (Student); Hans van Briemen (Begeleider); Jozef Misik (Begeleider)
While the music lasts
Smilde, Rineke; Page, Kate; Alheit, Peter
The preference for Music as a Service as opposed to Download to Own
dr. Hennie van Kuijeren (Lid Lectoraat)
Watching cows
Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education)
De muzikale thuiskunst van scholieren
Ellen van Hoek; Marjo van Hoorn