An assessment of boating activities and the interactions with harbour porpoise (Phocena phocena) in Ramsey sound
Lange, C.M. (Student); Hofman, P.A.G.; Bets, L.K.J. van
Educatieve mogelijkheden op Deltapark Neeltje Jans
Odijk, V. (Student); Roelofsma, F. (Student); Wierenga, S.F.; Wit, T. de
Composition and characteristics of plastic in the stomachs of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis)
Kühn, S. (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Hofman, P.A.G.
Vismonitoring bij vismigratievoorzieningen en barrières voor vismigratie in het beheergebied van Wetterskip Fryslân
Willems, B. (Student); Hofman, P.A.G.
Planning windmills offshore with respect to shipping
Visser, D. (Student); Perreau, F.F.; Klinefelter-Busstra, M.
De kwelder als golfbreker?
Doornbos, S. (Student); Vlas, A. de (Student); Smit, P.J.; Bentvelzen, L.W.J.
Begrazing op kwelders
Odijk, V. (Student); Bron, P.S.
What are changes within the cooperation between the different actors since the zoning system is implemented in Wakatobi, Indonesia?
Lommen, D. (Student); Klinefelter-Busstra, M.; Wit, T. de
The willingness of tourists on Tenerife to support environmentally responsible whale watching
Kessels, B. (Student); Markull, K. (Student); Wit, T. de; Smit, P.J.
Van open dag tot afstuderen
Miedema, D. (Student); Kuiper, A.C.; Klinefelter-Busstra, M.